USA Driving violations and penalty 2023 | United States of America Driving violations and penalty 2023

In the United States of America, there is a system of penalty points, or, as they are called here, points. For violations of traffic rules, a certain number of points is charged, after the value of 12 is reached, the driver is deprived of the right to drive a vehicle.

An increase in the number of points not only brings you closer to losing your license, but also increases the amount for auto insurance. It is worth remembering that insurance is already expensive. If you don’t have a lot of experience, then let’s say $ 400 per month comes out. With penalty points, you can safely add another $ 30-40 per month or more. In general, you can achieve a cosmic sum.

The presence of penalty points can also negatively affect the occupation of a number of positions of responsibility in both the private and public sectors.

So, the prices for some of the fines:

  1. Red light rides in New York: first time – $ 278; the second time – $ 463; the third time – $ 1028; further – deprivation of rights.
  2. Seat belt not wearing – $ 138
  3. Riding with the phone at the head – $ 138.
  4. Improper parking – $ 115, on site for disabled people – $ 180.
  5. Didn’t pay for parking – $ 65.
  6. Didn’t miss a pedestrian – $ 150.
  7. Double Solid Intersection – $ 150.
  8. Speeding: up to 10 miles per hour – $ 148, up to 30 miles per hour – $ 203. Just do not try to violate in the school and work zones, the fines are doubled, and there it is not far to deprivation of rights.

When entering the school area (a special area at pedestrian crossings near schools), remember that the fines are heightened at times, and the police are at every corner. Yes, this is how they protect the most important thing in the country – children.

There will be cameras everywhere, signs “be careful, children”, special markings on the road, a speed limit of 20 miles per hour, and when the bus is at a stop, traffic in both directions is prohibited.

In addition, at the crossroads there are people with rods who take children across the road and whistle to motorists to be careful. Even I, when I cross the road in this zone, feel completely safe.

For example, the USA has special school zones. There are a lot of buses for schoolchildren in the city during the school season, so if the bus stops, you have no right to go around it. I drove around – give me the driver’s license. Everything is very strict with this, the police will not be lenient, because this is the safety of children.

By the way, schools have special traffic controllers who help children cross the road.

On the school grounds you can find a sign: 1 minute idling law enforced max fine 2000 $. This means that if you stand under a sign in a running car for more than 1 minute, you can easily get a fine of $ 2000, no one is joking. Children are walking around, and you poison them with exhaust gases. By the way, in New York City, not only schools have such signs. You can be watched by a policeman with a stopwatch, so you better stop your car.

On the news, I once saw an American walking around New York with a stopwatch near this sign, filming the violation on camera and sending everything to the police. Of course, the cops fined people. A very American act. But what is the incentive? He received money for every violator. For all the time he earned something about $ 8000.

Most of all, he fined the trucks that came to unload the goods. The drivers are still looking for invoices, they think what and how, the guy has already recorded the violation.

In general, it is very expensive to violate.

By the way, if you get a fine, then you go to the DMV, tell them that you are not guilty, and you will be assigned a court in a year. You can pull the rubber for a long time, hire a lawyer, compose something believable. Then, maybe, it will turn out to prove that you are not guilty.

America Inside writes:

Recently I found my January traffic ticket. I rode home in January on a bicycle near the central park, there is a police car in front. It was burning red, but all the cyclists were jumping on it. I also decided to do so and drove on the red one right in front of the police car.

As soon as I drove through, there was a siren sound, with a voice in the loudspeaker: ” Bicyclist, pull over please “. I did not try fate and stopped. The policeman tells me why they drove on the red one right in front of me? ” I’m so sorry, I was listening to music and didn’t notice red light and it’s also freezing I’m riding home. ” Of course, he listened to me, but this weak excuse did not help. The policeman issued a fine and added: ” Don’t ignore red light please and get home safe .”

A red light ticket costs $ 190 for a cyclist, $ 278 for cars for the first offense, $ 463 for a second, and $ 1,028 for a third time if you haven’t learned anything from your mistakes.

And now the most interesting thing about fines: some drivers may not pay them. The fact is, everyone goes to the DMV (Department of Transportation) and says they are not to blame. The case goes to court for a hearing, which is scheduled in 6 months. At the hearings, you express your point of view, the sheriff his own and on the basis of this make decisions.

In total, there are two favorable scenarios for the development of events for the offender:

1) The judge can take your side and dismiss the penalty.
2) The policeman who stopped you simply does not come to the meeting. No policeman, no violation. The fine is simply canceled. This happens quite often, the odds are 50/50.

I did just that, they appointed me a trial. When the time comes for the hearings, you can make another knight’s move: inform that you cannot come to the hearings. Then the proceedings are postponed for another 6 months, and in this case the chances that the police officer will not come are about 95% (I really hope so).


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